Sunday, March 7, 2010

Weekend Stuff

This weekend was relatively uneventful except for few things. The first, we have officially made the next step and moved Harper to her crib at night. Up until recently Harper naps during the day in her crib but she has been sleeping next to me in her pack 'n play at night. Over the last week she has been getting up twice a night (up from one time per night) so I was thinking it might be time to test out the crib, so we did and it went well... still don't know how I feel about my baby girl being so far away from me at night but here's to hoping that she continues to enjoy her new digs at night ;)
On Saturday evening the fam ventured out to our friend K's housewarming party. It was great to finally see her new home, it is just gorgeous, she has done such a good job fixing it all up. Harper slept in her car seat tucked away in a bedroom most of the night, but the real fun happened when I was feeding her. While I was feeding her her bottle she had a real big poop but I didn't think much of it...when I moved her to burp her I noticed a wet substance on my shirt and jeans...yep, major blow out, poop shot up and out of her diaper and onto Mommy! What was even more amazing was that the poop didn't get on any of her clothing, I still don't even know how that is possible. So I had a change of clothes for her, but Mommy didn't have a change of clothes. We decided it was time to leave, I wasn't going to be making any friends with my new accessory ;) It was nice to see all of our friends though and spend some time with them, always appreciate any time we can spend with my awesome friends.


Lulu said...

Diaper blow out!

Anonymous said...

who would have thought that would happen.....hope you were there long enough to enjoy talking with your friends. loved the swing pics, she sure looks baffled but interested!