Monday, May 2, 2011

Harper's 1st boat ride!

We made plans early last week to take Harper out on her first boat ride on the lake this past weekend...of course as the week went on the only chance of rain was the day we wanted to go out (and by the way it hasn't rained in like forever)! Well we watched the radar on Sunday and it was hot (90 at our house) and the rain looked far away so we decided to go for it! As we were driving to the storage unit to get the boat I glanced up at the temperature gage on Chris's truck and I noticed it went from 90 degrees to 80 degrees in a matter of 10-15 miles! And then in a matter of about 5 mins we watched it drop to 73 degrees, I guess a cold front was coming in that we weren't aware of!!! The rain was staying away though and we had come this far so we picked up the boat and drove back to the lake to meet our friends who have 3 boys for a boat ride. We got there and I realized Harper was only in a swimsuit and I just had a pair of shorts and t-shirts for her to put on over it to keep her warm...wasn't prepared for the drop in temp! So I threw on the clothes I had for her and wrapped a towel around her when the boat was going, that is when it was the coldest! We found a cove and a little cold wasn't gonna keep those boys out of the water, they swam around for awhile while the rest of the stayed dry in the boat! :) Harper LOVED the boat, she was squealing, laughing and smiling the entire I think we have a lake girl on our hands!!!


Lulu said...

I bet her daddy is proud of her! That is great that she had so much fun out there, she will be wakeboarding and showing her little brother how it is done in no time;)

The Tibbs' said...

I love it! Now, did she end up in the water or not? I am supposing not, but I love the pics! What a nice looking boat too! Wow!