Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Our One Year Old

-Only weighs 16 lbs 6 oz
-Makes a funny smile to show off her teeth
-Likes to feed food to Jack from her highchair
-Can say Dadda like a champ
-Knows how to point to Mamma, Dadda, Jack, light, tree
-Is starting to stand on her own
-LOVES to squeal with joy when she is happy
-Will come crawling to the kitchen when she is hungry for breakfast
-Likes sitting in her Jumparoo and watching Sesame Street, Curious George,
The Cat in the Hat & Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (not all at the same time)
-LOVES when Daddy reads to her before bed
-Has fun in the big bathtub with her bath toys
-Her best friends are Sophie, Anderson, Emery, Jackson, Cooper, Charlotte, Benny & Everett
-Doesn't have much hair
-LOVES to push her push toys around the playroom
-Enjoys feeding herself and making a great big mess
-Sucks her thumb and puts her head down on our shoulders when she is tired
-Likes playing with the toys in her crib when she isn't ready to go to bed
or is just waking up
-Uses a sippy for her beverages and is off the bottle
-Is still breastfeeding a little
-Sleeps through the night (unless she is teething)
-Is the light of our lives and the best daughter we could ever ask for!


Anonymous said...

Granny and Papa love you so much little munchkin!!!! Happy Happy Birthday. The pics are absolutely darling and she is the happiest baby I've ever seen since you and your sister. What a wonderful mother you are and Chris is the best dad. Love you so very much.

Lulu said...

I love hearing all of this stuff because when you arent able to be around her, you just dont know. I feel a little bit closer to her now:)