Sunday, April 29, 2012

Operation Increase Milk Supply

I am a Stay At Home Mom, my "9-5" is my my latest adventure in motherhood is researching and implementing ways to increase my milk production, I know, exciting stuff right?!?! Gibson will be 9 months old on May 3rd, and I have been exclusively pumping milk for him since he was about 2 weeks old. I planned on breastfeeding him like I did with my daughter, but he had other plans. Pumping is quite time consuming but I decided I would keep doing it for as long as possible, breast milk is what is best for him so I will do what I can to make sure he gets it. Fast forward to the present, my milk supply isn't what it used to be so it has become apparent that if I don't make some changes quickly I won't have enough milk for him. I think I forgot to mention my goal is to make it a year, a year of only breast milk. This is what I have been doing, I have noticed a slight increase in production but I am hoping for a more significant increase soon, I am not going down with out a fight!!

-eat a bowl of oatmeal every day
-drink lots of water
-drink a cup of Mother's Milk Tea morning and night
-pump more often and for a longer period of time
-take Fenugreek tablets 3 times a day

Something else I am keeping in my back pocket, a little gem called Lactation Cookies...they look oh so delicious, but I think I will try other avenues before I start incorporating daily cookie eating into my diet ;)

So there you go folks, if anyone has any lactating questions, please feel free to ask...this is my life right now, would love to help another mama out if I can!

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