Thursday, August 12, 2010

Adventures in Eating!

So far in Harper's eating journey she has enjoyed everything except for Rice Cereal (made her poop WAY too much!!!) and the applesauce is a little tart for her so I have to mix it with other things...but it could just be the brand of applesauce I got, will try another one next time!

This is what she has eaten so far:
Oatmeal Cereal
Sweet Potatoes
Butternut Squash
Green Beans

Next up...carrots, then I think I am going to try peaches. Sometime in the next couple of months I am also going to introduce tofu and meats like chicken & turkey! I have pretty much made everything that she eats (except for the applesauce & when I feed her away from home it is usually easier to go with the store baby food)...I have made a lot more then I intended but I have really enjoyed it and I know it's better for her and cheaper too! Eating is fun!!!!!

1 comment:

Lulu said...

Sounds like stuff I eat:)