Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Checking out the creek

Last night we had a huge rain storm hit the early morning hours we got received over 3 inches of rain, which is great because we need it! Our neighbor across the street invited us over to see the creek that filled up and was flowing pretty good. Harper insisted on wearing a tutu and mama topped off the outfit with these adorable rain boots!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Harper's Two Year Pics

Here are some of my favorite pics of Harper at her photo shoot, we are so lucky to have a close friend that takes such awesome pics, you rock Janice!!!

The many faces of Harper:

Happy 2nd Birthday Harper!

I am amazed at how quickly 2 years have gone baby is no longer a baby, she is a smart, sassy, silly and sweet little lady! She brings so much joy into our lives every single day and we can't wait to see what she has in store for us!

Our 2 year old:
-is still a petite thing (G will surely out grow her sooner than later)
-is a big talker and talks in full sentences now
-is a dance machine (I see dance class in the near future)
-is currently into Yo Gabba Gabba (her birthday party theme)
-recently got her first hair cut
-picks out books at bed time (by name) that she wants to read
-loves her little brother, talk to him all the time & can't wait until he can play with her
-knows lots of songs (Old McDonald, Twinkle Twinkle, Bingo, etc.)
-started preschool 2 days a week (teachers are amazed at her vocab & call her Miss Independent)
-loves the new sandbox that daddy built for her in the backyard
-likes playing with puzzles, her dollhouse & Mr Potato Head
-loves to "snuggle muffin" with mommy and daddy
-has the cutest dimples when she smiles

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Harper's first art project

Harper is learning all about winter things this month at school...snowmen, hats, mittens, etc. So this week at school they made snowmen as their art project!

Sneak peak...

My talented friend Janice took Harper's 2 year pics is a sneak peak of the cuteness that is to come! :)

Date night!

The hubby and I escaped to a much needed sushi date night while Granny was here to watch the kiddos...yum!

All dressed up!

Harper being silly!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Granny Wilson visit

Granny Wilson just came to visit us for a long weekend and boy did we have a good time with her! We went to the playground and rode the train, Harper got her first haircut, Daddy finished her sandbox so we got to play in it, we had an "almost" Birthday celebration and Granny got to experience a crazy toddler playdate first hand! Harper loves her personal playmate...she better watch out for Gibson though, I think when he gets old enough they might be fighting for Granny's attention...but we all know she has enough love to go around, we love you Granny!

1st day of school

On January 5th Harper had her first day of preschool! She will be attending a 2 day s week program from 9-1:30. Harper's teacher's are Miss Kari and Miss Gweneth and they are lovely people. She has 9 classmates and they are all feisty little 2 year olds! Harper will be reading, doing projects, having music time, playing outside, planting a garden...she is going to have so much fun! The teacher's are already calling her Miss Independent (in a good way)...that's my daughter! :) We are looking forward to watching her grow through this program.

New Years Eve 2011

We spent New Years Eve at The Robinson's. The Robinson's are a family of 5 that includes 3 young boys. Harper likes hanging out with "the boys" like she is one of them...she follows them around and wants to do what they are doing, it's really cute to watch. Harper wasn't so sure about the noisy fireworks that the neighbors set off all night so we spent a lot of time inside...but she did enjoy the quiet sparklers! Happy New Year!

Christmas 2011 highlights...

So sorry for the delay on this post, I just don't know where the time goes. We spent the holidays in Austin this year, I am not going to lie, it was nice to be able to stay home and not have to travel with 2 young kids. Grandma & Grandpa Lucas came for a quick visit right before Christmas and we had a lot fun hanging out and watching Harper open gifts. Harper, Grandma and I also had fun decorating Christmas cookies. On Christmas Eve we went to a friend's house for dinner and spent the evening playing with the kiddos, enjoying good food and drinks and enjoying each other's company. Christmas day was perfect. We spent the entire day in our pj's, we cooked a nice dinner, we watched Harper happily spend all morning open her presents at a leisurely pace, it really couldn't have been any better. We really enjoyed the Christmas season this year, Harper had fun learning about Santa and his reindeer, probably sang Rudolph and Jingle Bells a bazillion times and loved seeing all the houses decorated for Christmas! We hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas, we sure did.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Harper vs. Gibson @ 5 months

5 months old

Our little stinker appears to be teething already (although the teeth aren't even close to cutting through yet), he is getting more content in the exercauser and on the playmat (mommy is very thankful for that), he loves watching his sister eat and play and he appears to be starting to sleep through the night (let's hope this continues). Happy 5 months G-man!


Until I find the time to blog about Christmas I will provide some cute pics of the kiddos to keep you happy until then! :-)