Friday, January 14, 2011

I think I remember how to do this?!?!

Back in November my old boss emailed me to ask me if I was interested in working again?? I wasn't completely caught off guard because before I left my job I told her to keep me in mind down the road if anything was to come up and I have kept a good relationship with her. Anyway...the girl who took part of my job is pregnant and due in about a month, they approached me to see if I wanted to do a portion of her job while she is out on maternity leave for 6-8 weeks. I really didn't have to think too hard about it...I said "YES" as long as I can do the work from home, which they agreed to. I went in this week to sign paperwork assuming I would be starting in about a month when I got an email the next day asking if I could start right away...another Property Manager needed some guess who is back to work!! I have to admit, I am excited to get back to the adult working world...don't get me wrong, being a Stay-At-Home-Mom is the best gig in the world but it's nice to know my brain still works and that I can have an identity outside of being Harper's Mommy and Chris's wife! I am going to have to adjust to fitting work into my day when my main priority is Harper but I am up for the challenge. Wish my luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It will be a challenge but you sound excited enough to make it work! I'm proud of you sweetie.